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large item中文是什么意思

用"large item"造句"large item"怎么读"large item" in a sentence


  • 大规格模制品
  • 大型模制品
  • "large"中文翻译    adj. 1.(体积,空间,数量,规模等)大的,巨大的; ...
  • "item"中文翻译    n. 1.条,条款,项目,品目,细目。 2.(新闻的)一 ...
  • "large volume item" 中文翻译 :    大量生产制品
  • "by item" 中文翻译 :    品目分类
  • "it item" 中文翻译 :    项目
  • "item" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.条,条款,项目,品目,细目。 2.(新闻的)一条,一则;(戏剧的)节目。 business item营业项目。 item by item 逐条。 end items 成品。 local items 地方新闻。 adv. 〔逐条列举时开头用〕又,同上。
  • "item by" 中文翻译 :    item逐条, 逐项
  • "item no" 中文翻译 :    产品标号; 商品顺序号
  • "at large" 中文翻译 :    不在羁留中; 大多数; 大多数,未被捕获的; 大体上; 大体上,一般; 介词短语,表示"逍遥自在","行动自由; 普遍地; 普遍地,一般地,自由地; 全体; 全体;普通;一般; 完全地;详尽地; 未被捕; 未被捕获的; 未被捕获的,大多数; 未被逮捕而逍遥法外; 详尽的; 详尽地,普遍地;未被捕获的; 详细地; 一般; 一般,大体上; 一般;大体上; 一般的;普遍的;详尽地;在逃;逍遥自在地; 一般来说; 自由的,大多数; 自由行动的;详尽的;一般的; 逍遥法外; 逍遥法外;未被捕获;一般; 逍遥法外的; 逍遥自在地; 逍遥自在地,自由行动地
  • "be at large" 中文翻译 :    消遥法外
  • "by and large" 中文翻译 :    不久; 大体上, 基本上; 大体上,总的看来; 大体上,总的说来,一般的说; 大体上;基本上;总的说来; 大致说来,一般来讲; 一般来说,大体上; 一般说来,大体上; 总的来说,大体上; 总的来说,一般来说; 总的说来,大体上; 总体上来说
  • "in the large" 中文翻译 :    全局的
  • "large" 中文翻译 :    adj. 1.(体积,空间,数量,规模等)大的,巨大的;(权限等)广泛的。 2.(心胸)宽广的,度量大的;(眼界等)开阔的,(见识等)广博的。 3.(艺术风格等)奔放的,气魄宏大的;夸张的。 4.【航海】顺风的。 a large calibre gun 大口径炮。 a large garden 大花园。 a large room 大房间。 large and small sizes 大小尺寸。 be large of limbs 大手大脚。 a large family 多子女的家庭。 a large number 大批 ( = largenumbers)。 a large population 人口众多。 a large farmer 富农。 a large merchant 巨商。 have a large discretion 有广泛的决定权。 large powers 大权。 large units 大兵团。 a large heart 宽宏大量。 a man of large views 见识广博的人。 large tolerance 胸怀广大。 ★ large 在口语中不像 big 那样常用,也不像 great 那样含有“伟大”,“壮大”的意义。 as large as life 1. 和原物一样大小。 2. 〔戏谑语〕亲自,千真万确 (There he was as large as life. 他本人就在那里)。 n. 大〔仅用于下列习语〕。 at large 1. 自由,随便;拉杂地,零乱地。 (He scatters imputations at large. 他乱讲坏话)。2.未被捕,逍遥自在 (Is the prisoner still at large 犯人还未归案么?)。3.全体;普遍;一般 (the people at large 一般人民)。4.充分,详细 (talk at large 详细讲)。5.未决定 (leave the matter at large 让事件无着落)。6.无固定职位[任所]的 (a gentleman at large 无职宫廷官吏;〔戏谑语〕无一定职业的人。 an ambassador at large 〔美国〕无任所大使)。7.〔美国〕(非某一选区而是)全州选出的 (a Congressman at large 州选议员)。8.笼统地 (arrangements made at large 笼统作出的安排)。 in (the) large 1. 大规模地。 2. 一般地。 adv. 1.大,大大地。 2.详细地。 3.夸大地。 4.【航海】顺风地 (sail large 顺风航行)。 by and large 从全体看来。 talk large 吹牛,说大话。
  • "large --" 中文翻译 :    较大
  • "examine item by item; check" 中文翻译 :    点验
  • "explain item by item" 中文翻译 :    一项一项地进行解释
  • "item by item comparison" 中文翻译 :    逐项比较
  • "item by item method" 中文翻译 :    逐项法
  • "item by item plan" 中文翻译 :    计件管理方案
  • "item-by-item method" 中文翻译 :    逐目比较法
  • "item-by-item plan" 中文翻译 :    计件管理方案
  • "item-by-item sequential inspection" 中文翻译 :    逐项顺序检查
  • "item-by-item investigation method" 中文翻译 :    分项调查法
  • "project item; work item" 中文翻译 :    工程项目
  • "abatement item" 中文翻译 :    减除项目


  • But, just as in industrial countries, many large items of current expenditure were not reduced .
  • That ' s the warehouse where the large items of office equipment are stored
  • If any large items in the session are only of use for a portion of the session , remove them when they are no longer needed
  • The shops can help you arrange shipping of large items back home . most of the shops will be closed on sundays public holidays
  • Grandmasters will be able to mark items they create as a trademark . grouping will also be needed for the crafting of some large items
  • Font color = # 33ffcc > grandmasters will be able to mark items they create as a trademark . grouping will also be needed for the crafting of some large items
  • If you buy new appliances or other large items , keep the store receipts , read the instruction booklets , and fill out the " warranty card " that comes with the product
    如果你购买器具或其他大型商品,需要保存好商品的收据,阅读说明书,填写"保修卡" 。
  • The pressure container for the nuclear reactor pile belongs to large item , although the container has to obey the law of the large item , it has its own special characters
  • The pressure container for the nuclear reactor pile which is introduced by this essay is designed and made by certain group company . it ' s a huge equipment used in the nuclear power station . the equipment is made up of two parts , a pressure container body and a lid . this paper is going to give the descriptions of the transport program design of the pressure container body . the body of the pressure container is 5 . 165m wide , 4 . 85m high and its net weight is 160t , because it is a large item for transporting in nature , the container needs a stern transporting condition . if we want to transport the container designedly and procedurely , to achieve no damage and no loss in the whole process , we must pay a careful investigation and find a feasible way to carry it
    该设备由压力壳筒体和顶盖两部分组成,在此仅叙述核反应堆压力壳筒体的运输方案设计。核反应堆压力壳筒体净重160t ,宽5 . 165m ,高4 . 85m ,属大件运输。运输技术条件要求极为严格,为使该大件运输能有计划、有步骤进行,确保整个运输过程完整无损、万无一失,必须进行深入细致的调查研究,寻找大件运输的可行方案。
  • The traditional serial algorithm ca n ' t do work well for the data ocean quickly and correctly , it also important to research the parallel algorithm . this paper analysis the main parallel algorithm and models , and find there are two problema : how to use the capability of the processors and the information number of the transmission between the processors . this paper extend the twma to ptwm , and ptwma solve the problem by the method of table corresponding , and the idea that the algorithm need not to transmit the large item sets
    本文通过分析当前主要的并行模型、算法,总结出它们面临的共同问题是:处理机容量的限制和处理机需要传输大量的数据,于是,本文在twma的基础上提出了ptwma ,采用了表对应技术、以及算法本身不需要反复传输大项集的策略来克服了上述两个问题。
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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